Login to Edit Your News

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Note: This is some pretty cheesy scripting looking back; If I were to do it all over again, it'd be a lot cleaner. Maybe it will be of some help to you...

Also, since my site is now done with php/mysql, the demo won't work...

If you want to tinker around a little it might be okay for you... if you want out-of-the box install and go... I'd find something else... :-)

This "Intranet News System" was designed for an Intranet where I wanted people in their various departments to be able to update the news on their web pages without e-mailing me to do it for them (I'm not mean, just lazy).

The admin system lets allows you to add/edit/delete users and add their table in the database, and maintains security for user news editing. At this point you cannot delete tables, since you could delete the table with the users in it (a bad thing).

The admin system is a modified version of Asp Client Check, which PascaL Michaud graciously allowed me to use in this application.

Everything else is from www.learnasp.com, www.asp101.com, or www.aspfaq.com, I just brought it all together in this system.

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The above login is fully functioning. Login as admin/admin to create accounts and tables, then login as a user to see how to add/edit/delete news. I have a little logging going on so you can see login attempts and unauthorized access attempts. (The unauthorized logging is grabbing all the logouts as unauthorized...still working on that.)

The user's news is displayed in two asp pages (incnews.asp and incarchivenews.asp) which have the table name for each user hard-coded in them (a pain, I know).

But there are no extra tags in the includes, so you can easily stick a <!--#include file="incnews.asp"--> in whatever page they want to show the news, or add some HTML and make that their default page. Also, line breaks and apostrophes are dealt with so you don't have to worry about that messing up the display or database entry. Almost all the formatting is handled with one CSS page too, for easy customization.

Below is what the include news files look like for the asdf/asdf account. (If that account or the news has been deleted, recreate it and you'll be able to edit the news for asdf.)
